fiction feature film
After the Kakhovka Dam is blown up (in the course of the current russian-Ukrainian war), a group of Ukrainian soldiers led by a female fighter code-named Mara finds a secret Soviet bunker in the middle of a drained reservoir, where the USSR had conducted experiments on humans during the Cold War. The consequences of these experiments are still there in the bunker, in the form of the half dead corpses of Soviet soldiers. Now, in order to survive, the Ukrainians must defeat the Soviet zombies, conquer their fears, overcome conflicts within the group, and learn to trust each other.

Since 2013 – Animation studio Animagrad; freelance screenwriter, FILM.UA
2012-2013 – Kyiv television film studio
2010-2012 – Mariupol animation studio Focus
2009-2010 – Mariupol advertising studio Kor Media
Selected filmography:
2024 –The Witch. Revenge (post-production)
2023 – Mavka: The Forest Song, animated film
The most successful Ukrainian film of all time, it is one of the biggest hits in the world of indie animation, sold in 150+ countries, adapted into 32 languages, UA BO: 156 million UAH, Worldwide BO: $21+ million
Animagrad Studio was awarded Producer of the Year 2023 by Cartoon Media
2021 – My Favorite Strashko, series
2020 – Pulse, feature film Winner at the Richmond International Film Festival (USA), Awards at the FLIC Festival (USA), Jury Award at the Nice International Film Festival (France)
2019 – The Rising Hawk, feature film. UA Box Office: 36 million UAH, admissions: 449,669
2018 – The Stolen Princess, animated film. UA Box Office: 37 million UAH, admissions: 504,012
2017 – The Stronghold, feature film

Work experience in the industry: 24 years. Since 2014 – producer, FILM.UA
Selected Filmography:
2023–Mavka: The Forest Song, animated film
The most successful Ukrainian film of all time, one of the biggest hits in the world of indie animation, sold in 150+ countries, adapted into 32 languages, 42 weeks in UA cinemas, UA BO: 156 mln UAH, Worldwide BO: $21+ mln. The most successful Ukrainian IP project: 30+ licenses, 350+ products (branded toys, clothing, jewelry), a design project for a future water park
Feature Films:
2024–The Witch. Revenge, post-production
2022–Crazy Neighbors. New Stories
2022–Big Picnic
BO: 18.6 mln UAH, admissions: 130,516
2018–2021–Crazy Wedding, 3 parts, Ukraine's most successful commercial franchise. Trilogy's BO: 125+ million UAH, admissions: 1.4 million. Available on Amazon, Amazon Prime.
TV Series:
2023–Dream Catcher
2022–Crazy Neighbors, 3 seasons
2020–The Brave Squad
2016–2019–Doctor on Call, 8 seasons
2017, 2019–2020–Dr. Baby Dust, 3-5 seasons
Membership: European Film Academy, International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Ukrainian Television Academy
Awards: Order of Princess Olga 3rd Class and 2 nominations for the Teletriumph Award"