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Updated: Apr 11, 2023

fiction series

Student leaders Donii, Ivashchyshyn, Barkov, and others are preparing an audacious protest because they feel the country desperately needs changes.

On October 2, 1990, protesters came out on the granite of the central square of Kyiv, set up a tent city, put forward demands, and announced a hunger strike. The security forces plan to disperse the protest, but the Kyiv City Council allows the protest action at an emergency night meeting.

The student action is gaining publicity all over Ukraine. The authorities are confused: what to do with the youth protest, which is unprecedented for the country?

Students from the regions of Ukraine join the hunger strikers. Leonid Kravchuk tries to persuade the students to leave, but he fails.

The degree of confrontation increases, students are exhausted. Actions in support of hunger protests are organized in other regions.

Some students start a dry hunger strike, "someone has to die, then we will be heard." KGB agents put pressure on students.

Deputy Yukhnovskyi addresses his colleagues with a speech regarding the protest. The communist parliamentarians laugh back. At the same time, the patriot deputies demand that the students remove the demand for re-election because they are afraid of not being elected again. Students refuse.

Some of them lose consciousness from hunger. The leaders take an unprecedented step: they block the traffic on Khreshchatyk St. to reach out to the residents of Kyiv.

A mass demonstration is scheduled for October 15. Activists go to the regions, conduct campaigns all over Ukraine, and 'capture' Kyiv universities.

And suddenly, an entire Kyiv, including students, schoolchildren, and workers, comes out to support the hunger protesters. This is a unique rally in recent Ukrainian history regarding the number of people!

The Ukrainian authorities, despite the pressure from Moscow, agree to negotiate. And finally, the Ukrainian parliament adopted a resolution that considers the students' demands!

This is a victory!

Vertical stories of students, doctors, deputies, and law enforcement officers are also part of the format. The series also uses documentary footage.




Diploma winner of the Coronation of the Word international competition (2021)

Since 2013, he has been a screenwriter of feature and documentary films, TV series, and advertising videos.

Selected filmography:

Iron People (Ukrainian: «Залізні люди»), documentary series, 2022, post-production – main author

To My Best Friend (Ukrainian: «Моєму найкращому другові»), short film, Denmark-Ukraine co-production, 2022

Oles Honchar. A Word as a Weapon (Ukrainian: «Олесь Гончар. Слово як зброя»), full-length biopic, 2022

Choice (Ukrainian: «Вибір»), educational interactive game series, 2021 – 1 season;

Ukrainian Cinema. Making-of (Ukrainian: «Українське кіно. Становлення»), full-length research film, 2021

I love you, Dnipro (Ukrainian: «Я люблю тебе, Дніпро»), the film about the city, 2021

Mysteries of Oleksandr Pol (Ukrainian: «Загадки Олександра Поля»), biographical series, 2020

The Road Home (Ukrainian: «Дорога додому»), short film, 2019

The Adventures of S Mykolai (Ukrainian: «Пригоди S Миколая»), full-length family comedy, 2018);

Cossacks Football (Ukrainian: «Козаки. Футбол»), animated comedy series, 23 episodes, 2016

Education – Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, manager of foreign economic activity in banks, master's degree (1998).


she graduated from the Institute of Journalism of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University.

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